KYASANKU HILL COLLEGE is a school under God and the nation, Students shall therefore observe the commandments of God and law of Uganda. Further, to achieve the school mission and objectivesm students shall observe the school Rules and Regulations as laid down herewith. Exception to school Rules and Regulations shall only be by the permission of the Head teacher. Compliance shall lead to order and success, but defiance to disturbance and punishment.
“ 1a. Students shall worship God as a comulsory act in the dominations approved by the school Board of Governors.
b. Students shall avoid immoral and indecent conduct: in word, expression and deed
2a. Students and their properties shall undergo inspection as and when school authories deem it necessary.
b. Female Students if pregnant shall not continue in school. Appeal may be made to the school
Board of Governors.
c. Students shall possess in school only those items allowed on the school Requirements list.
Possession/use of any item not prescribed e.g Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, condoms, contraceptives,
mobile phones, tools of violence and destruction, pornographic material etc are prohibited.”
3. Each student shall possess and move with a valid School Identity Card, wear the stipulated School uniform for various purpose, observe the recommended hair style and use of English language for all communication during the school term.
4a. Students shall relate to, respect and responsibility obey the Head Teacher, school staff and other members of the society in a child-parent relationship.
b. Students shall treat each other with respect and care and live in a sister - brother relationship.
c. Students shall respect school, personal and other people's property. The later shall only be used with the owner's permission.
5. Students shall follow and participate in the official school routine (Regular or impromptu), the prescribed school programs and subscribe to all school requirements.
6a. Students shall study such subjects and perform such extracurricular activities at the school
as the school Board of Governors will approve(in line with the Ministry of Education and Sports).
b.Boarding students shall keep in the school compound, in areas appropriate for study, rest and
legitimate school activities through out the term. Day scholars must be present from
6:30am - 5:00pm schooling days during the week. In addition absence from school by day
scholars must be authorized by the Head teacher with a permission chit and incase of
sickness a letter from parent/guardian.
7a. Students shall speak the truth and be honest all the time.
b. All money in excess of shillings 5,000/= shall be kept with school Bursar and shall not,
for any length of time, be kept anywhere else by the student.
8. Students shall keep strict cleanliness in body, attire and facilities as well as maintain general cleanliness of the school Space
9. Students shall regard and comply with valid instructions, supervision and direction of their student leaders.